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5 Faux Florals You’ll Love For Home This Spring

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    The MAGIC of Preparation

    To thrive and live well, you will need to be prepared. As a wife, mom of 3, and full-time entrepreneur, I’ve certainly had my share of trials and triumphs. When I reflect on the seasons when I thrived, it was…

    The MAGIC of a Refresh

    There is something MAGIC about Jan 1. You can use it as a refresher to your everyday life. You can do that anytime during the year, but Jan 1 feels like a clean slate and should be used as one…

    Why You Need A Sunday Reset Routine

    If you’re anything like me, you’re stretched thin when the weekend hits. So much happens during the week and requires a lot of your energy. You might have planned, but it seems that by the end of the week you’re…

    Taco Charcuterie Board

    It’s Taco Tuesday, and everyone in your family has specific requests for what they want on their tacos. (What. A. Surprise.) Queue the taco charcuterie board. It’s a creative and easy-to-make spread that’s visually appealing and a crowd-pleaser because everyone…

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    5 Intentional Ways To Write Love Notes To Your Kids